1. Ethics We, at OCIM, provide a learning environment that develops responsible, moral and Integrated behaviour, respecting the dignity of the members of society. The Academic activities are solely governed through the prescribed norms and guidelines of Statutory authority. The technical papers presented and published are referred through plagiarism software.
2. Integrity We conduct activities that make us look into our work holistically. We adopt practices that are fair, honest and unprejudiced towards students, staff and stakeholders.
3. Service We strive for the genuine well being of our student by harnessing our abilities to deliver the curriculum and other essential services and respond to inquiries and requests from the stakeholders in appropriate and timely manner.
4. Quality We provide quality education by utilizing our intellect, social, physical and ethical abilities. We also plan and prepare programs that lead to acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary to achieve information for career advancement, personal enrichment, leadership and service to the society. The technical education imparted caters for individual and social responsibility which is the indicator of success.