Dear Parents and Students,
Seasons Greetings and a warm welcome to Orange City Institute of Management.
Advent of computers and information technology has revolutionized the way business is done today. 'Speed' has come to be recognized as one determining factor in the success of organizations. This rapidity brings along constant change and to survive one has to adapt or simply perish. The new age communication has shrunk the world into a global village in the true sense and in this new era everything has become so fungible. People across continents are mixing freely and the cultures are merging fast. In such a globalised scenario, it is not sufficient for the new age business managers to just acquire bookish knowledge. They have to develop as a true professional with technological, cultural and ethical sensitivities. Developing such professionals is no mean task. It calls for absolute commitment from every stake holder involved in the conversion process. It requires a culture of excellence and freedom of thought where the young minds can freely think, express, explore and evolve. It calls for action orientation and not simply dreaming. It calls for 'fire in the belly' to make 'good' into 'better' and 'better' into 'best'.
Our great nation is richly endowed with natural resources including human resource: a resource so critical to the progress of any nation. We as a nation are steadily marching ahead and may even be in the verge of becoming a super power. But ironically, a recent report by International Labour Organization says that a large number of educated Indians are unemployable. Traditionally, education in India has revolved around text books and lack the aspect of application and this alone can make a world of difference.
We at OCIM recognize the need of the hour and our operating philosophy revolves around all round development of our student community. Our endeavor is to make every student strive for excellence. We believe in driving the change through a well carved process and the culture we foster is most conducive for such development.
I invite the student fraternity of our county to come and experience the revolution called "OCIM".
Dr. Anil Sharma